Akashic guidance for February 2022
"Do your work with diligence, worker bee"

The Akashic Records reading and guidance for the month of February 2022
What a precious blessing it was again today, to be able to open the Akashic Records for us to find out what the energy of the month will be and receive guidance for our month. Guidance to know what to expect and to know where to focus our intuition work on ourselves, our healing, our meditations and journaling.
This Akashic Records reading is meant to give us guidance. Us, meaning the community of Lot of Light: you the reader of this post, my social following and myself alike (if you’re not sure what this means, check out the October reading).
This month’s Akashic Records reading offers a very to the point message:
this month is for working, making and creating. Rest will come later.
I have never channeled a message so short. But I guess, given the central theme of the guidance, it makes sense. It is about getting to work, doing what must now be done. So why waste a lot of time and words saying that. The energy is perfect for creating and finishing projects – and that’s that. Get going and postpone any relaxation plans you might have made to later.
Ready, set, go!
This is what was shared in the Akashic Records
This month you’re going to be tough, but not to fear, not in that way you think now. Just tough in that we will be prompted to do our work with diligence.
Whether that is work for pay, work for the home, work for the family or work for your spiritual growth.
But no fear, no no, no need for that. It’s a good thing, really, we just will be very focused to do what we must do. That’s diligent working.
So, tough, maybe yes, in the way that there won’t be much time for idling around, doing nothing, without purpose. Yes, that’s what it is, purposeful action. Point and shoot, work and sleep, sleep and work.
This is not a message that often is given here. More often it will be rest and inner reflection.
But this month, the energy is good and strong for getting things done. Getting things done that before were so very heavy to complete. Take this time, grab this opportunity and feel that you’re supported in your doing and your making. The time is perfect, things will flow, things will grow, things will align, things will be fine.
So, yes, it will be tough, but like you are a proud worker bee of a person, looking back over your shoulder at the finished creations you left on your track to where you’ll be at the end of this month. Isn’t that something to look forward to?
Leave any plans you have for taking time off for March, and pick up old and new projects that are yet to be finished. This is the time. The energy will support you in all you take up. Feel inside what must be done, and just do. Do do do do do do.
And then, after, it will be time for satisfied rest. Don’t worry about that, this is not forever. Take up your work and you’ll feel fulfilled for the month.
Enjoy, worker bee!
A personal reading
In the Akashic Records, there is so much wisdom available for all of us. A personal reading can provide you with insight, guidance, help, ideas from your higher self and other guides and energies. Such a reading is often helpful for the moment you read it, but also even months later you can view the content from a different angle so it brings you value again and again.
A reading in the Akashic Records is such a magical experience. If you’re curious about what it means to get a reading for yourself, read more about it here.