5 steps to cleanse your own energy
5 steps to cleanse your own energy Intuition Tools Podcast video Have you had this too, that when you’re around someone who has something amazing to tell you, that you can practically féél their enthusiasm radiating off them? Or when you meet a friend and she just keeps complaining… about her kids, her ex, her
How to take super quick decisions with your intuition
How to take super quick decisions with your intuition Intuition Tools Podcast video Just for a moment assuming that we’re a bit alike, you and I, I think you’ve also had (a lot of) situations where you had to make a choice, take a decision, and you wondered how to go about it. You’ve probably
How to love your shadow side – Intuition Tools Podcast video
How to love your shadow side Intuition Tools Podcast Video A question a lot of us have is how we can cope with our shadows, our shadow side, shadow parts in a way that’s constructive, positive and adds to our growth. We’ve all heard it before: “you have to deal with your shadow side”, or:
The secret to finding your life purpose – Intuition Tools Podcast
The secret to finding your life purpose – living in lign with your purpose every day Intuition Tools Podcast Let’s talk about the idea of letting go of finding your life purpose. What?! Yes! There’s a more easy way to really finally know, that we are living the way it was meant for us, that
How to create time for yourself – Video channel
How to create time for yourself Are you overwhelmed with tasks and activities, and don’t know when to spend time on YOU? This is about Time, and in particular: when you don’t have any. Not to spend on personal moments at least, such as reading an inspirational book with a cup of tea, journalling, meditating,
How to listen to your intuition (and not to the people around you)
How to listen to your intuition (and not to the people around you) – video channel If you’re anything like me, you often have questions about what to do, what to decide, what direction to take. And, like me, you most likely have a set of people you ask for advice when this happens. And
The most simple spiritual tool there is: listening to ourselves
The most effective spiritual tool there is: listening to ourselves Do you want to connect more to yourself? Are you used to mainly always listening to your mind, as it logically and reasonably makes the decisions for you? Are you aware somewhere within you that there’s more to listen to then just your mind, but
Perfect the art of co-creating your truest desires
How to perfect the art of co-creating your truest desires find out what you really want and manifest like a pro I’m guessing you’ve heard about the law of attraction and manifesting your wishes. Maybe you’ve even tried it before, or it is your way of life, where you think of what you want and