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Podcasts, videos and writings on living in line with your intuition

Spring 2022 Akashic Records guidance
Spring 2022 guidance from the Akashic Records “Infect others with goodness” The Akashic Records reading and guidance for SPRING of 2022 This time’s reading was a huge surprise for me. As with all of you, my heart is aching for the war in Ukraine. But publicly, I have not been posting or writing about it.

5 steps to cleanse your own energy
5 steps to cleanse your own energy Intuition Tools Podcast video Have you had this too, that when you’re around someone who has something amazing to tell you, that you can practically féél their enthusiasm radiating off them? Or when you meet a friend and she just keeps complaining… about her kids, her ex, her

Akashic guidance for February 2022
Akashic guidance for February 2022 “Do your work with diligence, worker bee” The Akashic Records reading and guidance for the month of February 2022 What a precious blessing it was again today, to be able to open the Akashic Records for us to find out what the energy of the month will be and receive

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – essential spirituality framework in 111 pages
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – essential spirituality framework in 111 pages Intuition Tools Reading Inspiration Book review of Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success It surprises me that this little gem of a book never gets much attention when we hear and read about mr. Chopra’s work. Maybe it’s because after

How to take super quick decisions with your intuition
How to take super quick decisions with your intuition Intuition Tools Podcast video Just for a moment assuming that we’re a bit alike, you and I, I think you’ve also had (a lot of) situations where you had to make a choice, take a decision, and you wondered how to go about it. You’ve probably

Akashic Records guidance for January and 2022
Akashic Records guidance for January & 2022 Standing in the rain Actionable insight and advice directly from our joint Akashic Records Today, I opened the Akashic Records for us, to see if there was any advice on how to tackle this first month of the new year. If you’re a returning reader here, you know

Akashic Records guidance for December
Akashic Records guidance for December Akashic Records Reading An Akashic Records reading to give us guidance for the upcoming month I opened the Akashic Records to receive guidance for us all, for you the reader of this post, for my social following and myself alike, for the coming month of December. It is intended to

November Akashic Records preview
November Akashic Records preview Guidance for the upcoming month How to work with an energetic forecast for the month ahead It is a beautiful practice when you receive energetic guidance and inspiration to take along with you through the upcoming month. It is not a strict foretelling of the future – although I’m guessing that’s

Receiving guidance from your Higher Self in 2 minutes’ time
Receiving guidance from your Higher Self, in 2 minutes’ time Can you imagine what it must be like, if you had a wiser version of yourself advise you on what to do, what choices to make, maybe to help you put in perspective the seemingly dramatic things unfolding in your life? What a joy and

Speak your truth – but how?
How to work with your 5th chakra | We all know we should. It sounds so simple and so logical. But this is so much easier said then done.

What our Akashic Records share for October
What our Akashic Records share for October Akashic Records Reading An Akashic Records reading for us as a group I opened the Akashic Records to receive guidance for us all, for you the reader of this post,, my social following and myself alike, for the coming month of October. I opened the Records for all

How to tap in to your Body Wisdom – video channel
Did you know that when our body communicates with us, this is the most accurate and true knowledge about ourselves that we can get? It isn’t clouded with anything, it just is. It clearly conveys to us what is going on with us, how it is we are doing. What a luxury to have this imput in your life, right?

Summer Holiday Edition of Intuition Tools Reading Inspiration
Summer Holiday Edition of Intuition Tools Reading Inspiration How to keep your intuition inspiration close during July and August Aaaaah, the summer…. Sunshine, icecreams, summer holiday – and books. What a joyous feeling it is! In just 2 days’ time, I will be leaving for the south of France. How about you? Even though I

How to love your shadow side – Intuition Tools Podcast video
How to love your shadow side Intuition Tools Podcast Video A question a lot of us have is how we can cope with our shadows, our shadow side, shadow parts in a way that’s constructive, positive and adds to our growth. We’ve all heard it before: “you have to deal with your shadow side”, or:

The Listening Path – a creative practice that’s really a simple spiritual tool
The Listening Path is set up as a 6 week program to follow, from starting your listening habits and ending in the deepest mindfull connection; perfect to accompany you on your summer plans, because each ‘week’ is part theory, part story, part exercises. It is light and fun to read, as well as profoundly wise.

Big Magic – what if I had left this book on the bookstore shelves?
Big Magic says there are 6 phases involved when you’re striving to be creative completely and with your whole being. Each subject has various beautiful stories connected that explain and inspire you to follow your creativity. Elizabeth nudges you to do just that and does so in different ways: very lovely, very supportive, very strict, very wise, very compassionate…. and so much more.

The secret to finding your life purpose – Intuition Tools Podcast
The secret to finding your life purpose – living in lign with your purpose every day Intuition Tools Podcast Let’s talk about the idea of letting go of finding your life purpose. What?! Yes! There’s a more easy way to really finally know, that we are living the way it was meant for us, that

Moonology – how to practice moon ceremonies and so much more
I am a really big fan of this book, Moonology by Yasmin Boland. I already knew the lunar cycles influence me a lot, but I didn’t know how exactly. Moonology has taught me all the basics and gives me more details if I need it. I still use the book almost every new and full moon and I can’t really imagine my life without this wisdom anymore.

Outrageous Openness – what if we just let go and trust?
You’ll feel light, happy, content, and full of trust after reading for as little as 2 minutes in Outrageous Opennes by Tosha Silver. The examples of letting the universe take the lead in your life will make you smile and cry too

The heroine’s journey – how to be feminine in society where masculine is the golden standard
The Heroine’s Journey gives incredible insight into how we behave as women, what choices we make and where we can grow towards a stronger and softer balance in a society where the masculine is always the golden standard.

How to create time for yourself – Video channel
How to create time for yourself Are you overwhelmed with tasks and activities, and don’t know when to spend time on YOU? This is about Time, and in particular: when you don’t have any. Not to spend on personal moments at least, such as reading an inspirational book with a cup of tea, journalling, meditating,

How to listen to your intuition (and not to the people around you)
How to listen to your intuition (and not to the people around you) – video channel If you’re anything like me, you often have questions about what to do, what to decide, what direction to take. And, like me, you most likely have a set of people you ask for advice when this happens. And

The most simple spiritual tool there is: listening to ourselves
The most effective spiritual tool there is: listening to ourselves Do you want to connect more to yourself? Are you used to mainly always listening to your mind, as it logically and reasonably makes the decisions for you? Are you aware somewhere within you that there’s more to listen to then just your mind, but

When I felt completely OFF, here’s what helped me
When I felt completely OFF, here’s what helped me Anxiety, stress and feelings of insecurity are really just energies. These energies are often located very high up in your body. When you experience this, it can be super helpful to do an exercise that grounds you more firmly in your body. [text continues after video]

Your soul’s purpose
Your soul’s purpose What is your soul’s purpose? We all are inclined to hope it is that ONE special thing that we came to do in our lives. But more likely, we may actually have several – and we may not fulfil or live up to all of them. So our eternal search for our

Perfect the art of co-creating your truest desires
How to perfect the art of co-creating your truest desires find out what you really want and manifest like a pro I’m guessing you’ve heard about the law of attraction and manifesting your wishes. Maybe you’ve even tried it before, or it is your way of life, where you think of what you want and

Why nature makes you feel good
Why nature makes you feel good It is truly amazing to realise what spending time in a forest can do for you. Intuitively, we know that nature and especially trees and forests are very good for us. Might it be because it is in our DNA to trust the forest to take care of us,

Talking to your higher self – on intuitive writing
intuitive writing
Sometimes, we can find it a big challenge to really KNOW for sure that something that feels right is in fact really something that IS right for us. I’ve experienced more than once that something like that later turns out not to be quite right at all.