Outrageous Openness - what if we just let go and trust?

Intuition Tools Reading Inspiration

By Tosha Silver, with the subtitle Letting the devine take the lead

After reading a chapter or two, my heart feels so joyfull and I find myself smiling and I feel completely trusting in that all will be well if I surrender and let go of the controls of my life just a bit more. This book will show you devine intervention in our daily lives – and how we learn ourselves to recognize this intervention when it’s in front of us, just a bit more often.

Read this book if you’re looking for lovely, light and snackable inspiration, even when on holiday with kids (a.k.a. having hardly any time for yourself)

This book is just perfect for a holiday, take it to the beach, to lovely patch of grass, or read a page or two while preparing a family barbeque. Its 3-page short chapters read like a summer breeze; lovely, easy and light, and they make you feel so very relaxed. It inspires us to look for how day-to-day experiences and situations may in fact be simpler then we thought, not so difficult as we may have feared, and especially not to be taken as seriously as we tend to do.

What this book did for me – and could do for you too

You’ll feel light, happy, content, and full of trust after reading for as little as 2 minutes in this book. The examples of letting the universe take the lead in your life will make you smile and cry too; as you realize like I did how often your own meddling will take things to a wrong turn for you. What if you had just let go and trusted? What would have happened then? But it is not too late, try Tosha’s great advices and see how events may unfold for you in your best interest.

What the book is about (including quotes)

There are so many learnings in this book I try to implement in all my days, such as:

The practice of metta, the simple sending of loving-kindness to yourself and others, including those who are difficult. Tosha talks about the effects of her practice: “Suddenly you are no longer a struggling, isolated being; you are one with humanity. And as you send blessings, you become a Divine conduit.” And she always gives examples to show how her teachings can turn out. She shares how just maybe her remembering metta and sending love to herself and the other visitors of a heated and jam-packed postal office made the energy shift from hostile to neighbourly. Don’t believe it? That’s beside the point and you might just start trusting it after you read about the incident on page 111.

And how about the inspirational piece the zen of traffic, on how you can turn any old drive in the car into a beautiful practice of mindfullness. A much needed injection of connection and peace during those stressfull times of holiday driving… if I speak for myself anyway. Practical spirituality to it’s core. This small chapter alone, makes this book the perfect holiday intuition read.

The chapter Let the leads arrive beautifully sums up the core of Tosha’s teachings, I think, where she talks about how you can put in your wishes and intentions, big or small, and you will be guided to

“[…] if the divine is an unlimited Force of Love both within and without us, then why wouldn’t we be assisted with even the smallest stuff?” Tosha suggests if something is plaguing you, you try not to strong-arm a solution [her words 😊] but we call in Divine Order. This could be your intention:

“My perfect new path is already selected and will arrive at the the right time. I’ll be shown the steps to receive it.”

And then Tosha’s advise continues: “Allow that the right solution is already chosen and you will be guided to it effortlessly at the right time. Then let go. Follow the steps as they appear.”

So beautifully said and so very true. Something to live by.


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