Jouw Akashic Records

Ontvang inzicht, hulp en richting van jouw eigen ziel.
Ontdek wie je echt bent en hoe je een leven kunt leiden vol betekenis.
Jouw Akashic Records

Ontvang inzicht, hulp en richting van jouw eigen ziel.
Ontdek wie je echt bent en hoe je een leven kunt leiden vol betekenis.
Wat zijn de Akashic Records?
In de Akashic Records, in het Nederlands ook wel Akasha Kronieken, ligt de geschiedenis van jouw ziel (energetisch) opgeslagen, net zoals die van alle anderen die ooit op onze planeet hebben geleefd! (Onvoorstelbaar, toch?) Het is een energetische plek met alle wijsheid en kennis en ervaringen van wat en wie jij bent, allemaal samengepakt. Hier kun je ook verbinden met andere energieën, zoals je hogere zelf, gidsen, engelen, (overleden) geliefden en, ja, soms zelf als dat relevant is, ook eerdere ‘bestanen’. Deze energieën kunnen jou helpen om te leren wat je hier in dit leven te doen hebt en op welke manier eerdere ‘levens’ nu nog relevant voor je zijn.
Je kunt er heel veel ontdekken over wat je te leren hebt over alle situaties en ervaringen in je leven, kleine of grote. You can find out much about what you must learn from any situation or experience in your life, big or small. Deze hulp en richting is heel handig bij het doorleven van …. This guidance is very helpful in moving through something going on in your life and making space for the next things to come in. A reading works very well in giving you direction for right now, a month from now or a year ahead.

How it works
1. You book a reading.
2. You receive an email confirmation requesting you to send in your full name, date of birth, place of residence and a recent picture of yourself and 1-3 themes that you would like guidance on.
3. You receive your Akashic Records reading in a beautiful pdf document within 72 hours after the appointed time.
4. You can ask questions in an email consultation afterwards.
What people say
“I want you to know that everything was so spot on. Thank you so much for your detailed report. I am still in awe.
They know so much, we really are so supported. I am in love with my reading because though I knew so much of this deep down, that confirmation makes me feel just so so so supported. It’s one thing to know you are ready to fly and another for your guides, your support to be like: hey we see you, we think you’re ready to fly.
I’m honestly so so grateful for the guidance. Every single bit of what you channeled was in alignment.
I felt a full 10/10 with your reading and I’d recommend people to you. You have something very good going. A strong connection. Thank you so much, Liselot.”
– Reina Guzman
“Wow.. you are definately gifted, that’s for sure. Your messages definitely resonated. I love all that you said. SO wonderful! Thank you so much.”
– Nancy Abrams Shapiro
“Since being introduced to Lot of Light’s work, I am more aware of my inner wisdom, I pay attention to my physical sensations to make sure I feel aligned with who I truly am and with my aspirations.”
– Caroline Hurtut
What people say
“I want you to know that everything was so spot on. Thank you so much for your detailed report. I am still in awe.
They know so much, we really are so supported. I am in love with my reading because though I knew so much of this deep down, that confirmation makes me feel just so so so supported. It’s one thing to know you are ready to fly and another for your guides, your support to be like: hey we see you, we think you’re ready to fly.
I’m honestly so so grateful for the guidance. Every single bit of what you channeled was in alignment.
I felt a full 10/10 with your reading and I’d recommend people to you. You have something very good going. A strong connection. Thank you so much, Liselot.”
– Reina Guzman
“Wow.. you are definately gifted, that’s for sure. Your messages definitely resonated. I love all that you said. SO wonderful! Thank you so much.”
– Nancy Abrams Shapiro
“Since being introduced to Lot of Light’s work, I am more aware of my inner wisdom, I pay attention to my physical sensations to make sure I feel aligned with who I truly am and with my aspirations.”
– Caroline Hurtut
What can a reading offer you?
Imagine getting the best possible guidance: for you, from someone who knows you to your core, not just on a material level, but someone who is perfectly attuned to your deepest wishes and fears. Advice that’s always positive, supportive and kind. Words that you can pull inspiration from for months and years to come because it’s to the point and timely at any moment.
Imagine you could talk to your soul and your highest self, asking for their opinion on your life’s situations.

You can! When you ask me to read your Akashic Records, both our energies will work together in connecting to your soul, higher self and any guides that are present for you at this time.
You’ll get inspiration, guidance, advice, nudges to change, confirmation to continue on your path, understanding of what you’re doing.
You don’t even need to ‘ask’ specific questions (although you can put in themes that are important to you), because your records will always show you what you need to evolve in this moment.
How will your reading work and what is your role in the process
- Je kunt me een intentie voor de reading doorgeven. Daar zal ik dan speciale focus aan geven tijdens de reading. Je kunt ook 1-3 thema’s kiezen waarin je in het bijzonder hulp en richting bij zou willen krijgen (laat me dat weten in antwoord op deze email).
- In een reading richt ik mijn aandacht op de vraag “Wat moet deze persoon op dit moment weten” en daarna kunnen, als je die hebt, specifieke thema’s/vragen aan bod komen. Dit kunnen vragen zijn als: “Wat heb ik te leren van deze situatie?” “Past deze baan bij mijn huidige doel in mijn leven?” “Waar wijst deze ziekte op?” “Hoe kan ik vooruit beweging vanuit deze situatie?”
- Directe vragen (“ja”- en “nee”-vragen) worden niet beantwoord in de Records. Je hebt altijd vrije wil en je ontvangt advies, inzicht, hulp en richting.
- Drie dagen nadat ik de de benodigde informatie heb ontvangen, ga ik jouw Akashic Records in om de reading te ontvangen. Dat betekent dat wij elkaar niet in levende lijve zullen ontmoeten, en ook niet online. Op het moment van de reading is het wel belangrijk dat je voor jezelf de intentie hebt om open te blijven voor de reading.
- Ik ga aan de gang met de reading op basis van jouw naam, geboortedatum, woonplaats en foto. Binnen 1 tot 4 dagen nadat ik de benodigde informatie van je heb gekregen ontvang je jouw reading in een prachtig pdf-document.
- Naderhand is er een eenmalig emailconsult inbegrepen waarin je de vragen kunt stellen die opkomen naar aanleiding van de reading.
- Een reading kan alleen worden gedaan voor jezelf, en dus niet voor andere mensen in je leven, zoals je kinderen.
- Een Akashic Records reading heeft niets van doen met een lezing door een ‘medium’.

- I’ll proceed with the reading, guided by your name, birth date, place you live and photo. In one to 4 days after booking, you’ll receive your reading in a lovely pdf.
- Afterwards, an one-time email consultation is included, where you can ask any specific questions you that came up concerning the details of the reading.
- A reading can always only be done for yourself, not for the people in your life, including your children.
- An Akashic Records reading has nothing to do with mediumship, where a person communicates with spirits of crossed over loved ones.
What you will receive
– your reading product in pdf pages in a lovey style
– a written reading has the great benefit that you can look at it whenever you want to. This is very important because a reading like this will give you insight, whether you look at it now, next month or 3 years from now. You can easiliy come back to it whenever you need guidance.
– a minimum of two personal, channeled steps forward for right now, to move forward directly with what you’ve learned in the reading.
– a one-time email consult for clarification within one month of the reading.
Questions other customers had
- How does a Lot of Light Akashic Records reading differ from other Akashic Records readings?
You’ll receive your Akashic Records reading in a written document. It’s a beautiful and inspirational product you can hold in your hands if you print it (use color to print!).
It’s really a great benefit that you can look at it again and again, because the guidance in the reading will remain useful to you, independant of when you read it: now, in a month, or in a year.
I’ll add practical tips to apply rightaway, so you’ll know how to get started with the guidance you’ve received. All Lot of Light products you have to be able to work with it in your daily life, right away, without any difficulty. I believe that spirituality and energetic work is for everyone, that we can all use it to understand ourselves on a deeper level and get a more aligned life as a result.
Another benefit of this written style of reading is that you don’t have to be available at a given appointment time; you’ll automatically receive your reading in your inbox without any effort from your side. How can you read my Records if we’re not together?
A reading happens through connection with your own energy and it doesn’t matter if you’re there or not. Your name and to me, as I’m a very visual intuitive, your picture are sufficient to connect to your energy in the Akashic Records. Cool, right? 😉

Liselot | Lot of Light
I am beyond honored that you’re considering me to read your Akashic Records for you. These kind of energetic readings have truly changed my own life – and keep doing so to this day.
I know that you may feel a bit nervous to get your own Akashic Records read, that´s why I want to give you some information about my own spiritual journey through life so you know who I am.
As a young girl I was always attracted to crystals and trees, and the communication with and healing through nature. I was often sick, and this kind of time alone can make a child take to different interests. As a teenager while not a follower of a particular religion, I read a lot of spiritual books, about Jesus, the Buddha and wiccan traditions for example. I started my first buddhist oriented meditation practices then. My passion for the spiritual and the occult remained during my university years and first jobs. I practiced a lot of yoga and became a Reiki I Practitioner.
Over a decade ago, in my thirties, on the journey towards becoming a mother, I discovered my more internal energetic and spiritual powers. I had different teachers and mentors and experiences guiding me in different fields, such as energetic healing, chakra healing, channeling (spirit guides, angels, ancestors), theta healing, shamanic traditions – and yes, the Akashic Records. With the experience of so many forms of deep work, I started the inner journey of true energetic healing, including inner child and past life healing. This healing led in the biggest form of being my true self and the profound knowledge of how to connect with myself to always.
I have known the sliver of doubt or confusion you may be feeling, and the uncertainty to trust something like this in your personal development and growth. But once you start receiving guidance from your higher self, spirit guides and other forms of existence, you’ll notice how true and valuable it can be. You’ll recognize what comes through, you’ll ‘remember’ in a way, and it will all that ring so very true to your ears. That’s my promise to you. Trust, enjoy and prepare to feel understood and like your truest Self.
All my love,