Receiving guidance from your Higher Self, in 2 minutes' time

Can you imagine what it must be like, if you had a wiser version of yourself advise you on what to do, what choices to make, maybe to help you put in perspective the seemingly dramatic things unfolding in your life?
What a joy and maybe even like a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Like you can share your daily ‘burdens’ with… yourself.
For me, when I first started this practice, I realized I had access to my higher self, the wiser, less ‘material’ version of me, a version that kind of rose above all the nitty gritty of every day living and a magical door of possibility opened up for me.
What is the source of this inspiration and guidance?
Receiving guidance…. The source of that inspiration and guidance is called many different things: intuition, the universe, God, spirit guides, angels and of course your higher self. I think we use our intuition to tune in to receive any of these sources, sometimes all together, sometimes one of them. For me, the most easy to connect with is your higher self, because it’s part of you. I’ve also noticed that when we’re just starting out of when we’re a bit out of practice, it can be harder to distinguish between different sources of guidance that you may get. And in the end it doesn’t matter what it was or what it’s called, right? The energy guiding you in these cases is always loving and supporting and wise; always. It will never guide you on a path that is not YOU, that is not in your best interest, that is bad for you. It is guaranteed! Isn’t that lovely to know? 🤍

Get guidance in 2 minutes, here’s how:
How do you practice getting guidance from your higher self or other sources? It is very simple, and you can do it in 2 minutes:
center, ground and open yourself for guidance
Will you join me in a quick exercise to get you started? You’ll see how easy it is. I’m always, every time I do this, surprised again at how quickly you can shift your own energy and can become aware of a source of wisdom within yourself. It’s really a wonder why we aren’t using this every day and every hour. Let me introduce you to it, and in exchange you promise me to practice this for a week every time you’re in the bathroom. Deal?
Just practice with me:
Allow your breath to go very low, sinking into your lower back and womb area.
Feel the center of your body, somewhere deep within, behind your navel.
Imagine a line from that center going straight down into the earth.
Now, direct your awareness to your heart space, breathe there and witness a light growing bigger and bigger.
Keep your attention there and wait for what you receive – or, if you have theme or open ended question, let this float into your awareness and again just wait for what comes up.
That’s it!