Spring 2022 guidance from the Akashic Records
"Infect others with goodness"

The Akashic Records reading and guidance for SPRING of 2022
This time’s reading was a huge surprise for me. As with all of you, my heart is aching for the war in Ukraine. But publicly, I have not been posting or writing about it. It frankly wasn’t in my mind as a possible guidance subject, as usually it’s in some way about the subject I teach: intuition and how that can help you be your true self in every-day life.
But maybe not that surpringly, in this coming season our self development work is to combine the personal with the well-being of the world. Well… that sounds quite… huge and dounting too.
But as always, whenever information comes through from within the Akashic Records, things suddenly don’t look dounting at all anymore. Everything just seems incredibly easy. When being in the Records, somewhere below where my personal self is present, I can often notice myself thinking: “why did I make it all so very difficult for myself, why was I making such a fuss, when it’s really as simple as saying “yes!”.
What this guidance is for
As always, this Akashic Records reading is meant to give us guidance. Us, meaning the community of Lot of Light: you the reader of this post, my social following and myself alike (if you’re not sure what this means, check out the October reading).
The guidance can help us to know what to expect and where to put our focus in our self-development and intuition work, in our healing and in our meditations and journaling practices.
This Akashic Records reading offers us a message of compassion.
It shows us how we can easily contribute to grow love and positivity in the world.
It’s turned out to be a message of peace, in a way. How easy it is to smile at a stranger while at the same time you can set unknown energies in motion that can impact one, two, ten or a thousand others. Can you imagine? Wow…
This time, more than ever, let’s promise each other to practice what comes up in this reading?
Let’s dive in:
This is what was shared in the Akashic Records
Spring 2022
It is important for us to not lose faith, to keep our senses aware, to keep looking at each other, to not close ourselves off these coming months of spring.
Spring traditionally stands for the blooming of all that we have planted before, It’s the period in which we all will look expectantly to see the results of what we were putting in the ground to grow and eventually blossom. And so it is again this year 2022. Except that we are growing like never before, things are happening that seem much bigger than before, even with the past 2 years where things were as we never could have imagined.
Now events are such that we must learn to put our use our abilities, our powers however great or small on the world stage they might seem to us, as well as our wise and understanding kindness towards strangers in need. We have the obligation – no, more precisely the possibility – to raise our collective humanity together. With every smile, with every kind act, with every prayer, with every expression of gratitude, with every radiant feeling of light and love sent out into the world we can indeed participate in making a difference.
This is no time to despair. This is a time to evolve.
Every one of us can look within to see where evolvement is still possible. Even the most enlightened being can still evolve to greater goodness for all. The one who is enlightened and living a secluded life in a cave can come out to share love and light. The one who is running around helping the homeless can turn within to also help themselves. We all can grow and evolve to the greater good of humanity. So, no, this is not a time to despair. Find your own chance of evolvement.
And with that give your shining light to all around you to uplift and spread and infect others with that goodness.
Yes, we know, it feels strange and useless sometimes to just smile at a stranger and imagine that this simple act might be of any meaning at all. This simple act gives the other person something valuable and positive. And she will pass it on to someone else. And he to someone else. And it will ripple over all like a huge shockwave of a tsunami: boooooom….
Now take in a breath, feel the freshness and the healing capacity of it. Feel how you might have been holding your breath and now it is released: how freeing that feels! Let’s all combine that gorgeous energy of breath with the vibes of positivity towards each other.
This spring can be about joining together in the blossoming the good that has been growing underground.
Do you feel it yet?
A personal reading
In the Akashic Records, there is so much wisdom available for all of us. A personal reading can provide you with insight, guidance, help, ideas from your higher self and other guides and energies. Such a reading is often helpful for the moment you read it, but also even months later you can view the content from a different angle so it brings you value again and again.
A reading in the Akashic Records is such a magical experience. If you’re curious about what it means to get a reading for yourself, read more about it here.