Talking to your higher self
On intuitive writing

Sometimes, we can find it a big challenge to really KNOW for sure that something that feels right is in fact really something that IS right for us.
I’ve experienced more than once that something like that later turns out not to be quite right at all.
Some of us know (or feel, I should maybe say) that our souls or our higher selves usually have the right answers when it comes to questions about what activities, work, (life) choices, food or people are right for us. Whether the questions are small or big – our higher selves know what is best for us.
But the difficulty of it is that not all of us – or maybe: only a happy few of us – can have a conversation with their higher selves as if they were talking to someone at the dinner table. For the rest of us it can be a very big challenge to ‘converse’ with our higher selves.
The best known way to do this is through meditation. And although meditation is not something that should be difficult or accessible only after very intense practice (see my post of 2 days ago), meditation for the purpose of finding out what it is your higher self wants and needs does take – I think – specific methods and even maybe a form of a guided meditation at first.
BUT we can also ask our higher selves for advice by writing! It is such a beautiful and simple method and it works wonders for me, and it might too for you.
The idea is to just start writing, anything at all, such as beautiful quotes from a favorite book, and after some time (it gets quicker if you’ve tried it more often) the words just flow right out of you onto the paper. When that happens, it’s your higher self talking!
Try different ways of writing: use a beautiful pen and paper or your laptop. For me a laptop is perfect: I use my 10 fingers to type and it goes faster than my thinking brain can keep up with: perfect for my higher self to steer the letters and words.
Give it a go and let me know if it works!
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