Why nature makes you feel good

It is truly amazing to realise what spending time in a forest can do for you. Intuitively, we know that nature and especially trees and forests are very good for us. Might it be because it is in our DNA to trust the forest to take care of us, food-wise and shelter-wise?
If I speak for myself, I know that when I feel out of sorts and when I need a (big) break from the stress of my (city) life, I can always rely on a forest visit to give me back my sense of self. After a good long walk, I feel practically reborn: fresh, tired but energetic, healthy, inspired, loving….
But why is that? Dr. Qing Li is the worldwide expert on #shinrinyoku #forestbathing. He has researched the health and healing effects of forests on people for years. It turns out that a forest bath of as little as 2 hours – it really has to be time spent in a forest environment, or else it doesn’t work! – has a great impact on our mental and physical state.
It lowers our stress levels: cortisol and adrenaline levels go down. Our fight or flight system is suppressed, while our rest and recover system is reinforced. And our blood pressure goes down, while our heart rhythm variability increases.
It also reinforces our immune system by increasing the activity of and the amount of killer cells: the cells responsible for killing off unwanted, dangerous cells. This change cell activity lasts as long as thirty days after the forest bath!
‘Shinrin-yoku’ improves the duration and the quality of our sleep and has great effects on our mood: fear, confusion, depression, anger, tiredness all decrease after experiencing a forest bath.
To me, a forest walk just feels AMAZING. It clears up space to connect to my true self. It gives me clarity and inspiration and my creativity peaks afterwards.
I wonder when doctors in the Netherlands will start prescribing visits to the forest as they do in Japan…!
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